'Parasite' is a South Korean black comedy thrilling movie. It is known as one of the most successful films in 2019 since it won a total of four Oscar awards in 2020. The message behind the film has also brought a huge discussion between people, which went viral for a while. 
This film is an absurd story between Park’s family and Kim’s family. Park’s family is the upper class, being wealthy and never has worried about their living. Meanwhile, Kim’s family is underprivileged and living in a semi-basement. These two families are in different classes in society and they are not supposed to appear in each other’s life at all. However, everything started with a lie when Ki-woo became Da-hye's English tutor. The situation becomes much more complicated and darker when greediness takes over human rationality. ‘Parasite’ is such a powerful movie that made me have strong emotions after watching it.
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